Saturday 28 November 2015

Welcome to Scorcher or Torture

Welcome to the Inquisition where each subject will be put on trial and through my own version of an interrogation.

So what is Scorcher or Torture all about?

It doesnt matter what you do in life, you generally decide if each experience you have was good or bad.  With this in mind I decided to become Judge, Jury & Executioner to a variety of things.

Films, books, albums, tv shows or anything else that can be experienced by a wide variety of people.  I will be putting each item on trial and give my verdict on whether I thought something was a Scorcher or if it turned out to be Torture.  I will mainly be looking at these different forms of entertainment as they are widely available to access.

When reviewing anything I will try and be as spoiler free as possible and there will be warnings
if I am going to go into spoiler territory.  No one wants to find out that Darth Vader is Luke's father before seeing it for themselves the first time!

Not everything  I review will be brand new and you will find that I cover a bit of older material.  I have a wide variety of tastes in film, tv and music so im not concentrating on one particular genre but will try and encompass a whole spectrum.

This will just be my own personal opinion though and of course not everyone will agree with my view.  So please feel free to comment and air your own thoughts.

I hope you enjoy my trials and find my musings entertaining.

I also have a facebook group which can be found at:

You can also contact me by email at:

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