Monday 4 January 2016

Random Musings: The Scorchers & The Tortures of 2015

The Witch Trial:
Going for a slightly different format, as I ponder what had me ranting and raving like a mad man but also what had me singing its praises to all and sundry during the 2015 calendar year.
Warning there may be SPOILERS below...

The Scorchers
I experienced a lot of excellent entertainment throughout the year from film, television, music & books.  Each category had their own highlights.  Here are a few of my positive experiences.
Whilst they might not be the best things I saw or heard or read, each of these deserves to have their praises sung.

There were many quality films released this year that were enjoyed by a lot of people that I also found to be highly entertaining.  Films like Mad Max: Fury Road; The Martian; Straight Outta Compton and Amy to name a few.
I thought I would highlight three little gems that hit the right chords with me that haven't had a huge distribution.  Therefore it has limited them from gaining a larger audience which I feel each one richly deserves.

"Bone Tomahawk"
A western horror story with a touch of "The Descent" about it.  Kurt Russell shows that he is still a fine actor and is well supported by everyone else involved in this production.  The suspense is intense and the violence makes you squirm in your seat.  A film that makes me want to view it again and that doesn't happen too often.

"The Final Girls"
What a great concept for a horror comedy.  A group of horror fans sucked into an actual slasher movie and then they have to avoid becoming the killers next victims.  This had a great blend of humour to go with the gore.  Sure it's not a perfect film by any stretch of the imagination but it had enough going for it, to keep me happy.  Perfect fodder for a Friday night movie accompanied with pizza and drinks.

"The Man From U.N.C.L.E."
The type of spy film that mixes its laughs with the action to great effect.  Both leads are well cast and really entertaining, you get the sense that they are having a lot of fun in their roles.  The locations are stunning and they had the 60's feel down to a tee.
Another movie that was a lot of fun to watch and whilst the ending could have finished with a real bang, I enjoyed the rest of the ride enough to forgive it.  Here's hoping for further exploits from Napoleon Solo & Ilya Kuryakin in future outings.

Quite a few great shows either started for the first time or were continuing their epic sagas.  I thought instead of highlighting the shows that pushed my buttons, I would instead look at some of the individual episodes that left me on the edge of my seat and wanting to view the next instalment straight away.

Penny Dreadful, Season 2, Episode 3: "The Nightcomers"
Virtually the whole episode takes place in the past as we learn about Vanessa Ives coming to grips with her powers and seeking help to control them.  It had all the suspense, eeriness and dread that the writers could cram in to one episode.
A defining moment for this TV show and one that stayed with me for ages afterwards.  It truly helped develop Eva Green's character and gave her the chance to really show her range of acting talents.

Dr Who, Series 9, Episode 11: "Heaven Sent"
This episode had the Doctor dealing with the death of Clara, whilst being trapped in a seemingly endless time loop.  Its a one man tour de force performance from Peter Capaldi.  The episode structure is superb and the final payoff makes you want to fist pump the air.  Definitely one of the best episodes of the modern Dr Who era.

Game of Thrones, Season 5, Episode 8: "Hardhome"
From a season of many highlights, the episode Hardhome was the standout.  Seeing a full army of wights being led by the white walkers was truly epic television.  Jon Snow using Longclaw to slay one of the white walkers had me yelling "yes!" at the TV.  This small achievement though is quickly over shadowed with the sight of the Night King reanimating the dead of both armies.
You truly feel the hopelessness of the survivors as they come to the realisation that this foe is relentless and will only continue to grow.  Winter is definitely coming!

Outside of the record studio manufactured output there were some absolutely amazing albums released this year.  Here are just three of the ones that had me coming back again and again for repeat listening's.

"Honeymoon" by Lana Del Rey
The third outing saw Lana Del Rey really pare back the instrumentation and really put her voice to the fore.  You do get the feeling that Lana is playing by her own rules and if you are along for the ride then great, if not she won't be too bothered.  Uncompromising music as it should be.

"The Magic Whip" by Blur
Could a reunion album after so many years where the band members have been doing their own thing as separate artists be any good?  Hell yes!  "The Magic Whip" certainly had that Blur magic.
Amazing that a band can still retain some of the same sounds that formed part of their appeal but still appear so fresh and new today.  Hopefully it's not the last record from them.

"Sound & Color" by Alabama Shakes
That difficult second album after their amazing introduction to the world.  Alabama Shakes follow up to such an instant classic as their debut did not disappoint.  It might take a few more listens than "Boys & Girls" to really get the feel for this one, but once it grabs you, you won't be disappointed.  And that voice, Brittany Howard is just incredible.

I might not have read too many books that were published in 2015, but I did read some absolute page turners.  The Girl on the Train and the Jason Crane series (which I will be covering in a future article) were definitely up there with some of the best ones I read but here are a couple of others that really took my fancy.

"The Girl With All The Gifts" by M.R. Carey
The zombie apocalypse has happened.  A medical clinic is looking for answers to solve the epidemic. Sounds like something we have heard before but Carey crafts this story so well with characters that you really care about.  There are surprises along the way too.  It's one of those books you don't want to end.  I can't wait for a screen adaptation.

"Clovenhoof" by Heide Goody & Iain Grant
This book looks at what would happen if the devil got the sack and was sent to live in Birmingham.  Clovenhoof and his "friends" get into some highly amusing situations mainly through the devil's ignorance of human culture.  In a rather episodic narrative but with an over arcing story line, this book details Clovenhoof's exile with hilarious results. I could see this making an awesome British sitcom.

The Tortures
So much time spent on so many bad films and television shows in the last twelve months.
Not so much with music and books I must admit.  At least with music it can be in the background and doesn't need your undivided attention.  If a book is bad you generally know after a couple of chapters.  But with the goggle box you tend to stick with it, in the hope that what you are watching is going to get better.  It often doesn't and I now try to hit stop before it is too late.
With all that said here are a few things that I did stick with that I wished I hadn't.

It seems that 2015 stands out as a particularly bad year for comedy.  I viewed so many that didn't even raise a smile: Hot Pursuit; Hot Tub Time Machine 2; Kill Me Three Times & Ted 2 to name a few.  Two of those were sequels that just didn't need to be made.  We also need to thank god that the "6" in the title, referred to the number of brothers and not that it was the sixth episode of the Adam Sandler dross that was The Ridiculous 6.
Rather than dwell on the awful comedies here though, there were some other movies that failed to capture my imagination and it would have been better if I had given them a wide berth.

The premise was quite promising but the execution and the actual story was just stupid.  Amazing visuals cannot disguise a distinct lack of direction and poor storytelling.  Damon Lindelof is quickly losing all credibility as a script writer, how many more bombs does he need before people wake up to him.

"Ricki and the Flash"
Meryl Streep why?  I know this film actually had a fair few singing its praises but I just found it so tedious.  It had nothing new that we haven't seen before in much better films.  And the ending had me rolling my eyes so far into the back of my head, it was so unsatisfying.  Hollywood needs a happy ending though!

"The Intern"
Another film that had its supporters.  I hate when a film score is so in your face that it is telling you what emotions you should be feeling in each scene.  "Be upset here" because our music sounds sad, "Be happy here" because we are playing boppy, tinkly music now.  This is one of those movies where the score took me right out of the picture.
Anne Hathaway's role was far too unbelievable as someone who had managed to put together this booming company as well.  I lost count of the number of times that a small dispute had her tear up, I am sure her character must have shares in Kleenex.

So which show Jumped The Shark for me?  And there was one series that was just wrong on so many levels...

"Orange Is The New Black"
Whilst I enjoyed the first two seasons, the third left me feeling that this show has probably run its course.  There are only so many story lines you can get from a prison setting and it definitely seems to have exhausted the best ones.

...Or "McRapie, Rape, Rape" as I called it.
Seriously this show seemed to be out to show that if you were a good looking lady in the 18th century then nearly every man you bumped into would immediately try and rape you!
This is meant to be some sort of sweeping romantic story.  But all I could see was some perverted fantasy where the damsel in distress was rescued time and time again just before some miscreant had his wicked way with her.  Sometimes more than once per episode!
Terrible, terrible show.

It would be easy to target some of the pop stuff that gets dished out by studio's to keep their profits high, but I don't want to do that, I prefer to shed my ire at more respectable artists.  Two albums frustrated me this year more than any others.

"What Went Down" by Foals
Now I admit this is the first time I have actually tried giving Foals a go, after hearing so many good things about them.  I just wasn't that impressed considering the hype surrounding this record.  I thought it was quite a bland, generic indie album.  Sorry guys!

"Wilder Mind" by Mumford and Sons
Note to Mumford and Sons: You are not the second coming of Bob Dylan going electric has been done before and better so no one cares when you try it.  Please go back to what got you the fans in the first place and stay (mainly) unplugged.

There was one book that I read this year that I regretted wasting my precious time on...

"Miramont's Ghost" by Elizabeth Hall
The historic building of Miramont Castle in Colorado would be a good setting for a ghost story as it is rumoured to be haunted.  The execution here though is so meandering and ponderous that I just couldn't get into it.
I could have forgiven it if the characters were interesting but they all had no redeeming features at all.  They were all so unlikable and not one of them creates any sympathy in the reader at all.
The ending as well is such a letdown.  You spend so much of your time when reading this book, thinking that it is going to finish with a bang but all you get is some awful conclusion that feels like the author just had no idea how else to finish it.  Avoid at all costs, you have been warned!

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