Thursday 21 July 2016

Poster Pride & Prejudice: case study GAME OF THRONES

Where we look at one Scorching piece of artwork that generates excitement for what it is advertising.
Then on the flipside we also have a Torturous piece that makes you wonder how it ever got approval to promote the product...

Game of Thrones has become a television phenomenon.  The sixth season recently finished and so I thought it would be a good time to look at the poster art that accompanies each season and choose what so far has been hot and what has not.

The Scorcher

It was a tough choice between three posters for the title of Scorcher.  I love the image of the Three-eyed raven from season four and the All Men Must Die title that adorns it.  Likewise the image of Tyrion coming face to face with Drogon from Season five is equally impressive.
I had to plump for the season one opener though.  The sight of Ned Stark seated on the Iron Throne clutching a sword encapsulates the whole season in one image.  The first season revolves around the Stark's and the struggle for the Iron Throne and all these elements are there on the poster.  Ned has a forlorn look to him as if the weight of expectation is too much to bear.  While it isn't Ned's sword 'Ice' from the show, the sword is a bit of foreshadowing of events to come for this reluctant hero...

The Torture

The artwork has definitely improved as the show has continued and the amount of material to choose from has grown.  Season two was pretty close to getting the vote but I had to go for season three.  We get that people want to see Daenerys' dragons but this shadowy effort just comes across as lazy marketing.

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